Results for 'Agnes Weiyun He'

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  1.  9
    The Language of Ambiguity: Practices in Chinese Heritage Language classes.Agnes Weiyun He - 2001 - Discourse Studies 3 (1):75-96.
    This article explores communicative processes in Chinese involving Chinese American children in order to explain the notion of preference for ambiguity, a characteristic often invoked when describing the Chinese as a group. It also speculates on the impact this notion has on children's socialization. Preference for ambiguity can be defined as making ambiguous something that is otherwise clear-communicating ambiguously or conveying something that is ambiguous-communicating ambiguity. Treating ambiguity as an interaction-centered and activity-bound phenomenon rather than a purely semantic or logical (...)
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    Commentary: Connecting Müller's Philosophical Position-Taking Theory of Emotional Feelings to Mechanistic Emotion Theories in Psychology.Agnes Moors - 2022 - Emotion Review 14 (4):269-273.
    Müller proposes a position-taking theory to account for the manifest image of emotional feelings as “feelings towards”. He reduces the process of position-taking to goal-based construal, which is akin to the stimulus-goal comparison process central in appraisal theories. Although this reduction can account for the heat of emotional feelings and the intuition that non-linguistic organisms can also have feelings, it may fail to keep the position-taking aspect on board. Moreover, the image of emotional feelings as active position-takings may itself be (...)
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    Is R. Rorty’s Moral Philosophy Possible? Antifoundationalism and Kant’s Criticism.Agnė Alijauskaitė - 2019 - Problemos 96:36-47.
    This article aims to answer the main question raised – is Rorty’s moral philosophy possible? To what extent is it possible to treat it as an authentic theory? Rorty’s criticism of Kant and the Kantians, as one of the key points of contemporary moral philosophy, determines the posture in the moral domain and provides a certain place in discourse. The article states that, despite the fact that Rorty’s moral philosophy is not based on a particular theoretical concept, it can be (...)
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    The Insomnium of Aeneas.Agnes Kirsopp Michels - 1981 - Classical Quarterly 31 (01):140-.
    One of the major prophecies in the Aeneid is given to Aeneas in the underworld by Anchises, who had ordered his son to come to him to learn of his whole race and the city which would be given to him . In the prophecy , which covers more than a thousand years, Anchises identifies the spirits who will be born as his descendants, from Aeneas' son Silvius to the young Marcellus, and describes how they will win glory and world (...)
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    The Virtuous Spiral: Aristotle’s Theory of Habituation.Agnes Callard - 2022 - In Manuel Vargas & John Doris, The Oxford Handbook of Moral Psychology. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press. pp. 42-61.
    Central to Aristotelian ethics is the process of habituation by which agents acquire virtue. Aristotle holds that we become virtuous by performing virtuous actions—but he also holds that in order to perform virtuous actions, one must be virtuous. I explain that the Aristotelian account of habituation is not a closed circle, but rather a positive feedback loop relying on Aristotle’s division of the soul into an affective and intellectual part. When I act virtuously, my intellectual part shapes my affective part, (...)
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  6.  29
    An Eleventh-Century Buddhist Logic of ‘Exists’: Ratnakīrti’s Kṣaṇabhaṅgasiddhiḥ Vyatirekātmikā.Agnes Charlene Senape McDermott - 1969 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    I. RATNAKIRTI. HIS PHILOSOPHICAL CONGENERS AND ADVERSARIES Ratnakirti flourished early in the 11th century A.D. at the University of Vi kramasila, a member of the Yogacara-Vijnanavada school oflate Buddhist philosophy. Thakur characterizes Ratnakirti's writing as "more concise and logical though not so poetical" 1 as that of his guru, Jfianasrimitra, two of 2 whose dicta are focal points of the present work. From a translogical or absolute point of view, Ratnakirti endorses a form of 3 solipsistic idealism. The Sarhtdndntaradu$alJa, his (...)
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  7. Parmenides and the Battle of Stalingrad.Agnes Heller - 1997 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 19 (2-1):247-262.
    For the winter semester of 1942-1943, Heidegger announced a lecture course at the University of Freiburg on Parmenides and Heraclitus. In Heidegger’s collected works, volume 54, the lecture course was published under the title Parmenides, since Heidegger never actually discussed Heraclitus in the course. I may add that he barely discussed Parmenides either. The lecture course proceeds in circles. The lecturer seems to introduce new themes again and again, quickly digressing from each, only to return to some, but not all, (...)
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  8.  43
    Preliminary Adieu for Jacques Derrida.Agnes Heller - 2005 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 26 (1):191-197.
    It is no longer worth dying. There is no Jacques Derrida to offer a magnificent portrait of the philosophy and personality of the recently deceased. As the last surviving member of his great generation, he practiced this duty of love, devotion and justice during the last decades. No one could do this service for him. All that can be offered is a prosaic adieu.
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  9. Everyone Desires the Good: Socrates' Protreptic Theory of Desire.Agnes Callard - 2017 - Review of Metaphysics 70 (4).
    Socrates says that everyone desires the good. Does he mean that people desire what appears to them to be good? Or does he mean that they desire what really is good? This article argues, with reference passages in the Meno and Gorgias, that these alternatives are less opposed than they seem: each identifies something Socrates takes to be a necessary but insufficient condition on desiring. If what we desire must both be and appear to us to be good, then people (...)
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    Les énoncés dogmatiques dans le contexte interculturel.Agnès Kim - 2006 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 1 (1):77-97.
    Face à la démarche théologique qui commence à partir de concepts dogmatiques existants, E. Schillebeeckx, en renversant cette démarche du déductif à l'inductif, élabore une théologie basée sur l'herméneutique de l'expérience et de la praxis. Ainsi aborde-t-il la question de l'actualisation de la foi, en montrant la relation dialectique entre la tradition de la foi et le contexte où vivent les croyants. Se situant dans le champ culturel asiatique, Agnès Kim rappelle qu'il y a là un champ d'interprétation façonné tout (...)
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  11.  19
    Portrévázlatok az etika történetéből.Agnes Heller - 1976 - Budapest: Gondolat.
    Arisztotelész korai etikái.--Hobbes Leviatánja.--Mandeville és a Méhek meséje.--Spinoza Etikája.--Rousseau és az Új Héloïse.--Kant etikái.--A szerencsétlen tudat fenomenológiája.--Ludwig Feuerbach redivivus.--Az istenek szomjaznak.--Lukács György és Seidler Irma.--A lelki szegénységről.
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    Practical Reason.Agnes Callard - 2013 - In Ernie Lepore & Kurt Ludwig, Blackwell Companion to Donald Davidson. Blackwell. pp. 32–47.
    Practical reason is the means by which beliefs and desires come together to produce actions. Practical rationality is difficult because we have many beliefs and many desires, and they often pull us in conflicting directions. The theory of practical reason must explain the fact that desires can conflict with one another, and the fact that we can act against our all‐things‐considered judgment (weakness of will, akrasia, and incontinence). The standard explanation of these facts invokes some form of partitioning among desires. (...)
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    What the eye doesn't see: An analysis of strategies for justifying acts by an appeal for concealing them.Agnes E. Tellings - 2006 - Ethics and Behavior 16 (4):363 – 375.
    This article analyzes the moral reasoning implied in a very commonly used expression, namely, "What the eye doesn't see, the heart doesn't grieve over", or "What you don't know won't hurt you." It especially deals with situations in which it is used for trying to justify acts that are, in themselves, reprehensible. For instance, when a cheating husband tries to justify his adultery by appealing to the alleged fact that he does not tell his wife about it and thus she (...)
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    Member States Liability in Damages for the Breach of European Union Law – Legal Basis and Conditions for Liability.Agnė Vaitkevičiūtė - 2011 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 18 (1):49-68.
    This article analyses the legal basics of the Member States liability in damages for the breach of European Union law and the conditions for liability. It is emphasized that the Member States liability in damages for the breach of European Union law has three different grounds—one direct legal background (Article 4 of the Treaty of the European Union) and two indirect basics—principles of direct effect and that of effectiveness of European Union law. The author subsequently examines the content of each (...)
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    Multiculturalism and the Construction of Ethnic Identities in Labour and Health Practices: Avoiding the Culturalistic Fallacy in Applied Research. [REVIEW]Agnes Meershoek & Anja Krumeich - 2009 - Health Care Analysis 17 (3):173-197.
    In applied health care research, an essentialised notion of culture is often used when studying ethnic disparities in health and health care access between the majority populations of Western countries and migrants, with ethnic backgrounds that differ from majority population. This notion of culture, however, is considered highly problematic in anthropology and ethnic studies. Therefore, in our research on Dutch illness certification practices, we employed a dynamic conceptualisation of culture. Our research shows that, in practice, when clients fail to meet (...)
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    Modern Versus Classical Structures of Opposition: A Discussion.Didier Dubois, Henri Prade & Agnès Rico - 2024 - Logica Universalis 18 (1):85-112.
    The aim of this work is to revisit the proposal made by Dag Westerståhl a decade ago when he provided a modern reading of the traditional square of opposition and of related structures. We propose a formalization of this modern view and contrast it with the classical one. We discuss what may be a modern hexagon of opposition and a modern cube, and show their interest in particular for relating quantitative expressions.
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    Agnes Heller: a moralist in the vortex of history.John E. Grumley - 2005 - Ann Arbor, MI: Pluto Press.
    Agnes Heller is one of the leading thinkers to come out of the tradition of critical theory. Her awesome intellectual range and output includes ethics, philosophical anthropology, political philosophy and a theory of modernity and its culture. Hungarian by birth, she was one of the best known dissident Marxists in central Europe in the 1960's and 1970's. Since her forced immigration she has held visiting lectureships all over the world and has been the Hannah Arendt Professor of Philosophy at (...)
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    They all were passing:: Agnes, Garfinkel, and company.Mary F. Rogers - 1992 - Gender and Society 6 (2):169-191.
    This article offers both a feminist and an ethnomethodological reanalysis of Harold Garfinkel's report on Agnes, the intersexed person he studied with several colleagues. Both reanalyses yield similar conclusions. Specifically, while it does illuminate the work of accomplishing gender, the report on Agnes simultaneously illustrates how gender operates as a powerful background expectancy among professional as well as “lay” sociologists.
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    On the political aspects of Agnes Heller’s ethical thinking.Vlastimil Hála - 2020 - Human Affairs 30 (1):60-71.
    The author describes Heller’s concept of ethics as a “quasi-sphere” intersecting with various fields relating to human relationships. Special attention is paid to the axiological aspects of her concept of ethics and the relationship between virtues and responsibility. The author also seeks to show how Heller integrated a traditional philosophical question—the relationship between “is” and “ought to be”—into her concept of “radical philosophy” at an earlier stage in the development of her philosophy. She initially considered the relationship between “is” and (...)
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    Is Moral Philosophy Possible at All?Mihály Vajda - 1999 - Thesis Eleven 59 (1):73-85.
    Agnes Heller's Theory of Morals was to be composed of three parts: General Ethics, Moral Philosophy, and a Theory of Proper Behaviour. The first two were born; the third, however, before it was written, was rebaptized by the author who could not resist her inner compulsion to do so. It bears the title Ethics of Personality. This author does not conceal his one-sided preference for this last part of Heller's Theory of Morals which has only one imperative: `Be yourself! (...)
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  21.  26
    Hugh I of Cluny's Sponsorship of Henry IV: Its Context and Consequences.Joseph H. Lynch - 1985 - Speculum 60 (4):800-826.
    In November of 1050 Agnes of Poitou, wife of Emperor Henry III, gave birth to their first son. The birth of a son and heir was always an important event, and in this instance especially so. Henry had been seriously ill several times, including that very year. Although he had four daughters, there was a danger that he might die without male issue. Henry's ill health and lack of a male heir encouraged political instability and even conspiracy. When Henry (...)
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    Maternité et parentalité, sous la direction de Yvonne Knibielher et Gérard Neyrand, Rennes, Éditions de l’École Nationale de la Santé Publique, 2005, 784 p. [REVIEW]Agnès Martial - 2005 - Clio 21:310-312.
    Les textes réunis dans cet ouvrage pluridisciplinaire, issus de communications données au colloque de La Rochelle (2 octobre 2001) ainsi qu’au colloque international de Toulouse « Recherches francophones. Ruptures, résistances, utopies (17-22 septembre 2002) », sont articulés autour d’un argument commun : redonner sa place, au sein de débats actuellement dominés par la notion de « parentalité », à un questionnement axé sur la redéfinition contemporaine de la maternité. Forgé dans le creuset d...
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    L'essai au cinéma, de Chaplin à Godard.Bamchade Pourvali - 2023 - [Grâne]: Créaphis éditions.
    Comment définir l'essai au cinéma? Reprenant l'héritage des avant-gardes des années 1920, à travers notamment les œuvres de Dziga Vertov, Jean Epstein ou Jean Vigo, l'essai filmique s'inscrit dans le cinéma moderne qui se définit au moment de la deuxième guerre mondiale avec Le Dictateur (1940) de Charlie Chaplin. Cette évolution se caractérise par un retour au documentaire et de nouvelles relations entre l'image et le son. On assiste alors dans le cinéma hollywoodien, avec Citizen Kane (1941) d'Orson Welles et, (...)
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  24. Habermas, critical debates.John B. Thompson & David Held (eds.) - 1982 - Cambridge: MIT Press.
    The essays in this book - all of them published here for the first time - provide a long-overdue critical discussion of Jürgen Habermas's cascade of ideas. These are topped off by a freshet of original Habermas: in the final essay, he replies to the criticism developed in the preceding contributions and to other recent assessments of his work, provides an important clarification of his earlier views, and reveals the direction of his current thought.Each essay probes a particular theme in (...)
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    Introduction: Daring to Dream.John Hallmark Neff - 1990 - Critical Inquiry 16 (4):857-859.
    In the absence of shared beliefs and even common interests, it should not be surprising that so much of the well-intentioned art acquired for public spaces has failed—failed as art and as art for a civic site. The conventional wisdom of simply choosing “the best artist” and then turning him or her loose to create a work within time and budget guidelines lost much credibility with the drama of Richard Serra’s Tilted Arc commission: the process of selection, erection, litigation, rejection, (...)
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    Elite Education: International Perspectives.Claire Maxwell & Peter Aggleton (eds.) - 2015 - Routledge.
    _Elite Education – International Perspectives_ is the first book to systematically examine elite education in different parts of the world. Authors provide a historical analysis of the emergence of national elite education systems and consider how recent policy and economic developments are changing the configuration of elite trajectories and the social groups benefiting from these. Through country-level case studies, this book offers readers an in-depth account of elite education systems in the Anglophone world, in Europe and in the emerging financial (...)
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    Slipping on Banana Peels, Tumbling into Wells: Philosophy and Comedy.Paul A. Kottman - 2008 - Diacritics 38 (4):3-14.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Slipping on Banana Peels, Tumbling into WellsPhilosophy and ComedyPaul A. Kottman (bio)Alenka Zupančič. The Odd One In: On Comedy. Cambridge, MA: MIT P, 2008.[T]he philosopher... is the jest, not only of Thracian handmaids but of the general herd, tumbling into wells and every sort of disaster through his inexperience [hupo apeirias].—Plato, Theaetetus 174cWhy stop philosophy’s most precious intrinsic comedy when it comes to comedy?—Alenka Zupančič, The Odd One In1“Comedy,” (...)
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  28.  83
    In Search of Columbo.Jerry Zaslove - 1986 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1986 (70):161-166.
    In a recent exchange on the subject of Columbo, Agnes Heller and Moishe Gonzales pitched their tents within the landscape of popular culture which was already littered with the remnants of various academic approaches to the culture industry. Neither, however, went far enough in defetishizing this icon of popular culture and, as a consequence, do not penetrate its sinister qualities. Heller in particular attempts to write a contemporary theory of history based on Columbo, but her hope of raising a (...)
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    An Early Account of David Hume.J. C. Hilson - 1975 - Hume Studies 1 (2):78-81.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:AN EARLY ACCOUNT OF DAVID HUME In New Letters of David Hume, Professor Klibansky and Mossner lamented the "dearth of information on Hume's early development". Though some new facts and documents have emerged since 1954, the early period of Hume's life, to 1740, remains the most obscure. The account of Hume in 1740 presented below adds nothing to our knowledge of the evolution of Hume's philosophy, but it does (...)
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  30. Being Bad at Being Good: Zuko's Transformation and Residual Practical Identities.Justin F. White - 2022 - In Helen De Cruz & Johan De Smedt, Avatar: The Last Airbender and Philosophy: Wisdom From Aang to Zuko. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 188-196.
    Zuko’s plight illuminates the process of aspiration, including common challenges to the aspirant. As Agnes Callard understands it, aspiration typically involves a “deep change in how one sees and feels and thinks.” And this deep change is often intertwined with a change in what contemporary philosopher Christine Korsgaard calls practical identity, a “description under which you value yourself, . . . under which you find your life to be worth living and your actions to be worth undertaking.” But as (...)
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    The Art of Solitude.Stephen Batchelor - 2020 - Yale University Press.
    _In a time of social distancing and isolation, a meditation on the beauty of solitude from renowned Buddhist writer Stephen Batchelor__ A _Los Angeles Review of Books_ “Best of the Year” selection__ “Whatever a soul is, the author goes a long way toward soothing it. A very welcome instance of philosophy that can help readers live a good life.”—___Kirkus Reviews___ “Elegant and formally ingenious.”—Geoff Wisner, _Wall Street Journal__ When world renowned Buddhist writer Stephen Batchelor turned sixty, he took a sabbatical (...)
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    Catholic Social Teaching in Global Perspective.Ron Mercier - 2012 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 32 (2):211-213.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Catholic Social Teaching in Global PerspectiveRon MercierCatholic Social Teaching in Global Perspective Edited by Daniel Mcdonald, SJ Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis, 2010. 218 pp. $26.00The collection of essays in Catholic Social Teaching in Global Perspective, the second in a Gregorian University series, responds to a question posed to its authors: “How can you reflect on your particular continent and its ‘culture’ in order to best apply... CST [Catholic social (...)
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    Ji yin qi shi yu fa lü dui ce zhi yan jiu =.Jianzhi He - 2006 - Beijing: Beijing da xue chu ban she.
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  34. Wen hua quan shi yu zhu chuan tong zhi jiao she.Jianxing He & Tak-Lap Yeung (eds.) - 2022 - Taibei Shi: Zhong yang yan jiu yuan Zhongguo wen zhe yan jiu suo.
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    Quick Compression and Transmission of Meteorological Big Data in Complicated Visualization Systems.He-Ping Yang, Ying-Rui Sun, Nan Chen, Xiao-Wei Jiang, Jing-Hua Chen, Ming Yang, Qi Wang, Zi-Mo Huo & Ming-Nong Feng - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-9.
    The sizes of individual data files have steadily increased along with rising demand for customized services, leading to issues such as low efficiency of web-based geographical information system -based data compression, transmission, and rendering for rich Internet applications in complicated visualization systems. In this article, a WebGIS-based technical solution for the efficient transmission and visualization of meteorological big data is proposed. Based on open-source technology such as HTML5 and Mapbox GL, the proposed scheme considers distributed data compression and transmission on (...)
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    Natural Science of the Human Species - an Introduction to Comparative Behavioral Research: The "Russian Manuscript" (19.Konrad Lorenz - 1995 - MIT Press (MA).
    Edited from the author's posthumous works by Agnes von Cranach. Topics incl. natural science & idealistic philosophy, general attempts to define life, vitalism, mechanism, etc.\Here Am I Where Are You?: The Behavior of the Greylag Goose was thought to be Konrad Lorenz's last book. However, in 1991 the "Russian Manuscript" was discovered in an attic, and its subsequent publication in German has become a scientific sensation. Written under the most extreme conditions in Soviet prison camps, the "Russian Manuscript" was (...)
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    The Talmud meets church history.Daniel Boyarin - 1998 - Diacritics 28 (2):52-80.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Talmud Meets Church HistoryDaniel Boyarin (bio)Virginia Burrus. Chastity as Autonomy: Women in the Stories of the Apocryphal Acts. New York: Edwin Mellen, 1987.———. ‘“Equipped for Victory’: Ambrose and the Gendering of Orthodoxy.” Journal of Early Christian Studies 4.4 (1996): 461–75.———. The Making Of A Heretic: Gender, Authority, And The Priscillianist Controversy. Berkeley: U of California P, 1995.———. “Reading Agnes: The Rhetoric of Gender in Ambrose and Prudentius.” (...)
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    Schiller's Drama and Its Aesthetic Practice of" Making the Past Serve the Present.P. A. N. Yi-he - 2010 - Journal of Aesthetic Education (Misc) 1:013.
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    Disposition and Aftermath of the Xi 'an Incident: Transfer of Forces of the Northeastern Army'.He Yingqin - 1989 - Chinese Studies in History 22 (3):77-79.
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    Possibility, Actuality, and History-Picture.He Zhaowu - 1989 - Chinese Studies in History 22 (4):50-63.
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  41. El derecho como objeto tridimensional.Héctor A. Zucchi - 2001 - Córdoba [República Argentina]: Academia Nacional de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de Córdoba.
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    Two Decades of Research on Euthanasia from the Netherlands. What Have We Learnt and What Questions Remain?Judith Ac Rietjens, Paul J. van der Maas, Bregje D. Onwuteaka-Philipsen, Johannes Jm van Delden & Agnes van der Heide - 2009 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 6 (3):271-283.
    Two decades of research on euthanasia in the Netherlands have resulted into clear insights in the frequency and characteristics of euthanasia and other medical end-of-life decisions in the Netherlands. These empirical studies have contributed to the quality of the public debate, and to the regulating and public control of euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide. No slippery slope seems to have occurred. Physicians seem to adhere to the criteria for due care in the large majority of cases. Further, it has been shown (...)
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    Rome Personified, Rome Epitomized: Representations of Rome in the Poetry of the Early Fifth Century.Michael Roberts - 2001 - American Journal of Philology 122 (4):533-565.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 122.4 (2001) 533-565 [Access article in PDF] Rome Personified, Rome Epitomized: Representations of Rome in the Poetry of the Early Fifth Century Michael Roberts The last years of the fourth and the beginning of the fifth century (the reigns of Theodosius and his sons) mark a crucial stage in the Christianization of Rome. 1 The hold of the city and all it stood for on (...)
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    Can physicians conceive of performing euthanasia in case of psychiatric disease, dementia or being tired of living?Eva Elizabeth Bolt, Marianne C. Snijdewind, Dick L. Willems, Agnes van der Heide & Bregje D. Onwuteaka-Philipsen - 2015 - Journal of Medical Ethics 41 (8):592-598.
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    Chaos and Symbol Complexity in a Conformable Fractional-Order Memcapacitor System.Shaobo He, Santo Banerjee & Bo Yan - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-15.
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    Old age and forgoing treatment: a nationwide mortality follow-back study in the Netherlands.Sandra Martins Pereira, H. Roeline Pasman, Agnes van der Heide, Johannes J. M. van Delden & Bregje D. Onwuteaka-Philipsen - 2015 - Journal of Medical Ethics 41 (9):766-770.
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    Requiem for a Garden: Terraces of the Shrine of the Báb or Revisiting Alain Locke's "Impressions of Haifa" 1923 (Palestine) in 2023 (Israel). [REVIEW]Leonard Harris - 2024 - The Pluralist 19 (2):97-105.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Requiem for a Garden:Terraces of the Shrine of the Báb or Revisiting Alain Locke's "Impressions of Haifa" 1923 (Palestine) in 2023 (Israel)Leonard HarrisLouis Gregory, who first introduced Alain Locke to the Bahá'í faith in 1912, succeeded in convincing him to chair the first racial Amity Convention in 1921 in Washington, DC. Locke published annual reports of this committee in the Bahá'í News Letter until late in his life. The (...)
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    Frontal Underactivation During Working Memory Processing in Adults With Acute Partial Sleep Deprivation: A Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Study.Michael K. Yeung, Tsz L. Lee, Winnie K. Cheung & Agnes S. Chan - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Why Is Establishing Democracy So Difficult in China?: The Challenge of China's National Identity Question.He Baogang - 2003 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 35 (1):71-92.
    China now faces a national identity problem, that is, sections of the national population do not identify with the Chinese nation-state in which they live. Tibetans, for example, endeavor to create their own political identity through the reconstruction of a Tibetan cultural and ethnic identity. China's national identity problem also involves the question of reunification with Taiwan. In Taiwan, both the Guomindang and the Democratic Progressive Party governments have refused to reunify with China. The question of Taiwan and Tibet are (...)
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    Raden Adjeng Kartini: Letters of a Javanese Princess.Hendrik M. J. Maier, Agnes L. Symmers, Hildred Geertz & Raden Adjeng Kartini - 1988 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 108 (1):195.
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